Pizza Verdure with grilled vegetables and kale pesto
Examples of toppings
- Here are some examples of how to spice up your ready-made Verdure pizza, which comes topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, grilled vegetables and kale pesto.
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees with the tray in during heating.
- Remove the pizza from the freezer and place it on baking paper.
- Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes.
- Top the pre-baked pizzas with for example:
a) arugula and sprinkle with olive oil
b) extra vegetables that you have at home (can be done before or after baking)
c) or eat the pizza as it is together with a good salad with for example cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, olive oil, vinegar and herbs.
Our pizzas and pizza bases are sold in selected supermarkets throughout the country. See https://www.forrealfoods.com/butiker for a freezer counter near you. Also available on Mathem.se and in our web shop.